Wish the Prince just once..  

Posted by darknovaGW in ,

a nice poem taken from a tale by Thai Ba Tan

Wish the Prince just once..

A small match, that's her
Slim but yet at young

Wearing a modest crimson dress

And one day, what a coincidence
She fell on such a rough wall

and the burning came-

She brought her heart's flame

And gave the first one she saw

Just so slim, and young
With the crimson dress
Now, alas, left only ash
Her corpse was threw away
Just like other matches like her,
Being used, and being left

Wish the Prince just once
Could see her
Slim and yet so young
within the pretty crimson dress...

But the Prince doesn't use matches
He uses lighter.

Vietnamese source
Note: my translation is used for non-profit purpose and with respect for the author

Thai Ba Tan is my favourite author though his main career is translating rather than writing. but i wonder what could make his writing so much formal yet still informal. different from lots of authors at his ages and even younger ones, his words are just so young and modern. :D they dont carry hard thing, dont express any agony or cruelty. just simply they are words, like a normal diary of a guy who actually was written all by him.

his work contents light sadness, strong feeling and passionate, and and the end is always a surprised ending that even can make you laugh.

but that ending, after a few times reading will make some somewhat sad, when you can see the meaning within it

miracle ^^ i love his work!flirt

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