BES 2100 - 2  

Posted by darknovaGW in

-- Negotiation day --

finally it came. Out of my imagination, it was more complicated than the meaning of it sounds : negotiation. I first thought it was just simply persuading but the truth is it has more than just that, with certain number of ways to do.

we started with the "$2 game" to see who in a group (with 2 people) can get as much as possible of that amount of money.

I was first grouped with Ayub and have to say he did "pressed" me really much. In any case, he did so well that I always felt that I had nothing and no way to reject his words. and obviously he reacted much faster than me. the best I could try was actually like adapting his way. Hard to explain exactly what was the real thing that made us difference, but i believe the major part is life experience. the more you communicate, the better your skill in using words is, also the faster you can react to a situation without being confused by other's words or even your own words. Ayub started with his mother's emergent situation in hospital and well, no need to explain how much hard it was to refuse, especially when he always pointed about "friendship", "dignity", etc. oh well

the second time I paired with Sya, thing also didnt go better for me. Have to admit narrow English is a problem to me. therefore I also do not have enough confidence in my own words and didn't think clearly for every possible ways in negotiating. It was not just only going straightly to your goal, indeed it was sometimes even a disadvantage to start so fast, since you can give the other one the chance to make your reasons became useless.

although after 4 rounds, we all ended up "cannot settle things" but I know if it was in real life then it would be me who would lose.

just a bit odd that we were not allowed to "pay back" for the money which made things much harder to handle, but well it was good experience, even it showed how much I'm lack of communication skills.

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