BES 2100 - 7 (problem: easy to occur, hard to deal)  

Posted by darknovaGW

this is the class that had the most of activities ever. we learnt how to face problems and started with the straw game: all members in a group must use one finger each to bring a straw down and then raise it up. the game ended quite fast after Tom thought about the "crossing finger method" (that's how I call it) and ask people t oget their fingers touch others' which would make the straw laid stably and then we could low it down and raised it up very easily.

then we came to the puzzle game. the striking point was even when we finished the puzzle, Mrs Suma still said we didn't complete it yet. we tried many times until we figured out that all groups still have to put their parts together in order to make a square. think outside of the box it was!

blending work with other, even in other groups, is hard enough to create problem, isnt it?

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 6:42 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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